so from the initial starting point looking at a way to document the objects people or places i have finally come across a good concept to which i can build upon. starting initially at the start back in November o had ideas of working with the play on idea of dot to dots. however to my dismay my colleagues disapproved of this ideas considering that i had no subject the idea of working with something in dot to dot had no context, what was it trying to achieve by using this kind of method to create lines? i needed a subject to work with it was great that i had targeted a specific area to work with but it lacked the content, i needed subject not styling at this point which would really help my exploration. i looked at several of these and even looked at a dot to dot tattoo which when assembling the dot differently produces different images. this could have been really interesting but i lacked the will power after getting shot down in the crit. maybe i could have worked with this idea a bit more creating subliminal imagery out of simple forms, this could have been really interesting and would have tackled what is a line on a direct manner. but i was everly put off thinking about what subject could be interesting.
from there i struggled to find a subject areas that would be compatible with the kind of styling i was trying to achieve. i slowly drifted and ran completely out of ideas and i had to simply start looking for a new way of interpreting what is a line? this initial confusion made me very hesitant to start looking again and because of the crit feedback i had received this did not help boost my confidence in achieving anything at all. from here the subject went very dry, having my elective also did not help the situation and so for about 2 months visual language was a thing t do on a Tuesday afternoon and not at any other point. i also feel strongly at this point that not enough importance was put onto the brief. to get fully emerged into what is a line i feel it would have helped greatly f i had a strong idea of what it is we we supposed to produce, examples of work would helpful, what subjects, media type any guidance would have been greatly received. were we to work on this project in a more direct manner actually utilising line instead of metaphorical lines? question questions questions? it seemed there was no guidance or rules.
mid-February and i had planned to visit Paris as a break from the stresses of graphic deign living. Paris is a beautiful place to visit and exciting to get away and not have to think about what work i had to finish, thankfully at this time i had finished the current module and i had also finished my elective in print which i had thoroughly enjoyed but not so much the assembly of the sketchbook or the impending deadline. Paris indeed was a fantastic and huge capital and consequently i ended up looking at the maps over and over again which did get confusing at times. the map of Paris that we received was a brilliant example of instructional and organised architecture and street plans. and from this i started looking at lines again inspired with the structure of the Parisian streets i produced examples of these and looked briefly at the rose line which was interesting in itself but very limited to what i could look at. i only ended up finding one of the Arago plates which was altogether disappointing.
from here emerged onto looking at my existence taking inspiration from Chloe's book based on her 100 ways of documenting her existence, the first step into looking forward to a concept that i think could be successful. i like the idea of doing something such as this which is personal to me not only because the information is about me be because the vast majority of information that is used comes directly from myself, like a library, but far easier to get exactly to get what your looking for. From looking at the book that Chloe produced it seemed clear to me that i would be requiring a nature a nature of craft to produce something that is so personal and beautiful.
having now established what it s i am trying to communcate then next stage will obviously to put the design into practioce. but i don't really have an idea of how to represent such large quantities of information or even what kind of scale can be achievable within the time that is available.