vector imagery is something i have come new to this year with the dawning of computers to myself in graphic design this year, after previously being scared going anywhere near them incase i became an addict to which i had become for the project on dust. moving on however i found some really nice vector line work which could be a great starting point to what is a line, these were produced by a designer called pablo alfieri. They are incredibly beautiful and intricate yet although i admire their brilliance i would appreciate them far more if i could see some hand drawn work to give it some personality and depth. The colouring s also beautiful and well selected. here are a few images of inspiration. follwing this i also came across a similar illustrator who uses vector imagery in her work Nancy Veltri's illustrations are really simple and a aesthetically pleasing which are indeed simple to make and construct. none the less however a simple and less intricate way of working, a definite contrast in styles here.
on the idea of looking at artists i took the time to look back at sara fanelli whos work many people have stumbled arcoss and taken on in their own styles. i love craft. especially looking this kind of design by fanelli, the way she plays and works with old material and collaging it over and playing with material it is a fascinating and carefulselection and layering that achieves such brilliant visuals. i like the application of line in her work whichi is what our subject entails. craft would definetly be something to consider later on and in the mean time i would like to start drawing lines and familiarise myself with the selection and application of line.
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