on the subject of line i have come across some imagery to do with line which i think could help move the process of making visuals a lot easier. here are a couple of examples. i think the most important thing which i need to consider is the element of craft which is essential i think to the visual side of things. having set myself 3 rules the first being 'to maniulate craft and only utilise digital technology to create collage or adjust imagery, not create it.' i think it is essential that i stick to this rule and in so doing i have come across a number of artists and designers who use craft within their work.
i really like the work produced using pen by jess wilson which with her use of bright almost synthetic colour reflects a kind of craftsmanship i could like to create. utilising a handdrawn style with digital colouring. This a type face she develpoed and i love it, i dont know if it would be readable but in use in short words i think this could look really attractive. on a small scale is something i think we share in common with her delicate attention to detail in her drawings.
i also came across luke best through looking at chloes blog and again its a simple styling imagery combined with colour that achieves such a brilliant imagery. as of yet i havn't limited myself to a colour pallet which could greatly help in what i want to achieve. he has also experimented across media type where he produces tattoos from imagery that he creates. some very exciting work and i think if i were to have a tattoo it woul look something like this and possibly be a bird of some kind

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