whist in paris i came across an exhibition piece which excited me greatly, based on an idea of a cave an artist has created an installation piece in the modern paris gallery. its was amazing its like you are wandering into a stripped down version of a cave, no colour, no texture just simple vector imagery running throughout the cave almost as if it were constructed from paper of was on a topographical map. it felt clean and santitised not like a real cave which would be damp, cold and rough and yet you almost felt like you were in a real cave witht the structure of the cave making elegant shadows in the darkness as you embark into the cave. fascinating truly. The piece was done by an artist, Jean Duhuffet, 'le jardin d'hiver' it was called (i love the french language by the way its so sexy and brilliant and just has a flow about it i could listen to for hours.) The construction of this jubilantly, enigmatic jigsaw construction started in 1962 and the circumvoluted line and areas of sombre colour that make the cave , or canvas, dance with life. it has been described as a garden that has no greenery but shares greatly the resembelance of a grotto or cave withsimple black lines to emphasize the structural parts. The construction is complex with the walls and floor taking a bumpy and uneven effect which is underscored by the simplicity of the white and black. overall this piece insired me greatly and showed the nature of line as a 3d piece and less like it had to drawn onto a piece of paper. i looked more at imagery of the parisian streets from this, the maps and the structure of architecture for inspiration into lines.
after looking briefly at dot to dot i thought that the first thing that i should do should be to actually produce one, a sample if you will to help start the process off a bit and what more of a starting point is better than looking at something on a huge scale. looking at the concept of dot to dot i took an images and enlarged it massively to over an a2 size and from there i started drawing a dot to dot taking a massive 900 dots in total. a pretty magnificent feat if you will for a starting point into this idea of line. potential lines if you will. i really like how from a distance the dots actually merge to produce line which is quite fascinating maybe this could become a play on idea looking singular point which from a distance or agle produce line. possibly like the work done for the channel 4 advertisements where the parts making up the channel 4 logo join up to produce an image of the logo at certain angles. maybe this could be an idea to play on and how points can incidently produce line, maybe optical illusions could be quite fascinating. anyways here are a few images of the dot to dot that i produce taking a massive 5 hours to complete and i think if i were to do this again i would definetly work on a smaller scale.
aside from producing a dot to dot as astarting point i felt it necessary to get some useful primary research and what better use of line than the neubauwelt book. it does indeed fascinate me. after seeing fred hold one up in colllege it was indeed one of those implusive buys that you just have to have, a collectors item, just looking through you become mesmerised at the exquisiteness of some of these illustrations and it makes you want to view more and more. the book also comes with a cd which i havn't sample yet but i contains a sample of illustrations taken from the book which you can use yourself. The simple vector based imagery of this book is truly fascinating, who would have thought such recognisability would be achievable through simple line and colour (which is gorgeous). taking on this idea of using line to create imagery ive had thoughts about creating imagery from these and interpreting this style in the form of dot to dot. how good would that be a simple book that could be used to pass the time by connecting dot on different drawings, definitly something that would go down well by the pool whilst on holiday. i would like to produce a couple of these to see where this takes me in the mean time i have couple of ideas to play on. see imagery of the book below aswell as some sample dot to dots which i created, see if you can recognise them and mentally join the dots.

aside from producing a dot to dot as astarting point i felt it necessary to get some useful primary research and what better use of line than the neubauwelt book. it does indeed fascinate me. after seeing fred hold one up in colllege it was indeed one of those implusive buys that you just have to have, a collectors item, just looking through you become mesmerised at the exquisiteness of some of these illustrations and it makes you want to view more and more. the book also comes with a cd which i havn't sample yet but i contains a sample of illustrations taken from the book which you can use yourself. The simple vector based imagery of this book is truly fascinating, who would have thought such recognisability would be achievable through simple line and colour (which is gorgeous). taking on this idea of using line to create imagery ive had thoughts about creating imagery from these and interpreting this style in the form of dot to dot. how good would that be a simple book that could be used to pass the time by connecting dot on different drawings, definitly something that would go down well by the pool whilst on holiday. i would like to produce a couple of these to see where this takes me in the mean time i have couple of ideas to play on. see imagery of the book below aswell as some sample dot to dots which i created, see if you can recognise them and mentally join the dots.
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