
Fixed Format

the beautification of dust, if you will, has become somewhat of a goal i have being trying to achieve. making something the would normally make you disgusted into something you just can't let go of is quite a challenge. from the start of this project the simple way i have looked at dust has led me down a fairly straight and narrow idea path. using a clinical approach to design i think i have achieved something special. the fixed format book that we were supposed to produce two weeks ago has finally been printed and i feel that i did not disappoint. The book shows the various locations in the room from which i collected the initial one hundred swatches of dust, elegantly printed onto a tracing paper which when put together with a map (on the smoothest paper i have ever touched) on the cover shows the location within the room. i feel this look is very strong and has appealed very much so to the other members of the group and the tutors. i think using such impressive materials also helps in making something professional. 
for the final book i intend on sticking to the same quality idea. The book will be con
structed around the shape of a c.d., the idea being the swatches will be inserted on a c.d. at the back. The book will comprise of the swatches in a rotary mechanism in each page which when put against a hole will show information about each swatch and a preview image. however after a unnerving crit yesterday i am doubting what i am trying to achieve. 

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