

just looking back over the previous research we had done i decided to look back at the original 100 photos that i have taken for the 100 brief back at the start of the module. good times back when i was innocent and untainted by the pressures of graphic design life today. after looking at these i remembered that when we present them we have to show them in an interesting way so... i bound them. i thought this was quite nice and holds a great sentimental value to me as the photos that i took were memories of a journey i took with my partner down to somerset via south wales then all the way across the country to london. i chose to bind them using a japanese method as i thought it seemed quite easy (even though i had never tried this method before), seeing as i wouldn't have to duplex print anything i could bind them and have a single side white which look quite nice. the hardest part of the binding process was the making of the actual bind, seeing as how i didn't have proper binding wire i had to use cotton thread instead which needless to say  isn't the strongest material i've ever come across. third time lucky and the book was complete. i chose a pink and grey theme which i have used several times recently in mad fashion. i may even look at using this sort of look against my final book later on, after of course i finish processing  all the information that i am seemingly getting more and more of. 

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