the final composition of the shape based typeface i produced within two hours as promised. i think its really successful. i produced the full 26 letter alphabet in that time and used only 3 shapes two different rectabgles and a single hexagon which had proportions based similarly to the rectangles so that they could fit together. i think it is really effective and simplistic. well done Carl :)

2 weeks in
"delta" just the name sounds amazing. my new friend mitch gave me the idea to look at this guy we were having a bit of a chit-chat about our favourite pieces of work and things. i think the quote 'i love geometry' suits this guy really well. i love the feeling that when your working out a maths problem and you know theres a definite single answer at the end, thats the feeling i get from this image. it makes me want to work, it makes me want to solve the problem thats been layed out for me. its like trying to complete a word search, you see the letters and you try and connect them.
our project for this week was to design another typeface based on two shapes that were randomly given. mine were a hexagon and a rectangle i found it really exciting! given that we were only given 2 hours to complete our typeface my blood was pumping and i was starving having worked over dinner! but i finally came up with a really formal and beautifully crafted final piece. simply setting myself some rules to work with such as keeping the size the same really helped. i think its too hard to work with different sizes and variations of the same shape, just use 1! its so much easier. Finally i came up with the typeface and i am really satisfied :)
i was thinking about maybe publishing some of the typefaces i have designed, i was looking at "dafont.com" and you can download free software to produce fonts. it looks pretty compliacted but i'll publish my result if i manage to make anything.
its the end of the second week doing my degree and i'm still uber excited. i've met new people and i'm happy. :)

our project for this week was to design another typeface based on two shapes that were randomly given. mine were a hexagon and a rectangle i found it really exciting! given that we were only given 2 hours to complete our typeface my blood was pumping and i was starving having worked over dinner! but i finally came up with a really formal and beautifully crafted final piece. simply setting myself some rules to work with such as keeping the size the same really helped. i think its too hard to work with different sizes and variations of the same shape, just use 1! its so much easier. Finally i came up with the typeface and i am really satisfied :)
i was thinking about maybe publishing some of the typefaces i have designed, i was looking at "dafont.com" and you can download free software to produce fonts. it looks pretty compliacted but i'll publish my result if i manage to make anything.
its the end of the second week doing my degree and i'm still uber excited. i've met new people and i'm happy. :)

The best 20 quid i ever spent.
you know when you find something truly worth the money. well to me this has been one of those buys. i bought this book from berlin last year and i think its one of the most important things that will ever exist on my blog.
the book is from a series called "Die Young" and i bought two of these, one on an artist "San" and this one on "Nicholas Di Genova".
it has some of the most amazing illustrations i've ever seen. Based topically on the idea of 'hybrids' the book contains a mix of animal illustrations and is mainly drawn using a pen in a stylised and formal manner.
i love the way he has structured his work, the way he has categorised animals and selected certain animals and played with its look. i find i fascinating!
i love the way he has structured his work, the way he has categorised animals and selected certain animals and played with its look. i find i fascinating!
Below i've chosen one of my favourite images the "Crouching Six-shooter Fowl" where he has combined a revolver with a fowl bird.
Definitely worth 20 quid.
Me, Myself and I
my first ever attempt at video for the presentation on i. i thought it was rather good for my first attempt (of course this is the censored version), i even put some stop frame animation in there :)
we have made a few improvments for the group project video, but i think the new one is a bit more controvertial, especially with war images and such. Nothing i think tho beats the original, after looking at what other people had done i feel i had worked hard over the summer and i've rescued us in the group project.
Group Bonding
i actually forgot i took these pictures. this was a brief that we recieved on the first week, i think it was like the third day in or something. we were given a random word, something to do with graphic design obviously and it had to take into account something to do with the work that we produced over the summer, our word was documentation.

so... documentation. to record, to document, collect, hmm... what to do? we decided as a group after looking through we looked at basic methods of recording drawing and keeping record, quite simply we looked at the idea of receipts. keeping your records, everyone who makes purchases has receipts. so using the tracing paper we had we traced all the receipts and documents we could lay our hands on. it was really well executed and 'brought us together' so to speak, quite literally in fact, feeling each others breath, trembling, slowly getting more intense as heads clash together and beads of sweat trickling down our faces as the sexual tension rose...
i think we had a really good group as well, the fact we really teamed up together and took it in turns to have our dinner was really good ross, ben, dan and martyn were all great! cheers guys! and the final outcome was by far the best damn looking :)
My First Loaf
today i baked my first loaf of bread, it was such an intimate moment.
made = baked*
Blog = loaf of bread*
woop = intimate*
made = baked*
Blog = loaf of bread*
woop = intimate*
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