
Group Bonding

i actually forgot i took these pictures. this was a brief that we recieved on the first week, i think it was like the third day in or something. we were given a random word, something to do with graphic design obviously and it had to take into account something to do with the work that we produced over the summer, our word was documentation.
so... documentation. to record, to document, collect, hmm... what to do? we decided as a group after looking through we looked at basic methods of recording drawing and keeping record, quite simply we looked at the idea of receipts. keeping your records, everyone who makes purchases has receipts. so using the tracing paper we had we traced all the receipts and documents we could lay our hands on. it was really well executed and 'brought us together' so to speak, quite literally in fact, feeling each others breath, trembling, slowly getting more intense as heads clash together and beads of sweat trickling down our faces as the sexual tension rose...
i think we had a really good group as well, the fact we really teamed up together and took it in turns to have our dinner was really good ross, ben, dan and martyn were all great! cheers guys! and the final outcome was by far the best damn looking :)

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