
The best 20 quid i ever spent.

you know when you find something truly worth the money. well to me this has been one of those buys. i bought this book from berlin last year and i think its one of the most important things that will ever exist on my blog.
the book is from a series called "Die Young" and i bought two of these, one on an artist "San" and this one on "Nicholas Di Genova".
it has some of the most amazing illustrations i've ever seen. Based topically on the idea of 'hybrids' the book contains a mix of animal illustrations and is mainly drawn using a pen in a stylised and formal manner.
i love the way he has structured his work, the way he has categorised animals and selected certain animals and played with its look. i find i fascinating!
Below i've chosen one of my favourite images the "Crouching Six-shooter Fowl" where he has combined a revolver with a fowl bird.
Definitely worth 20 quid.

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