after taking a few days out i felt it necessary to get back into the swing of things by completing some of my own investigation and general design of things so i decided to go back to the don't panic site to which i had previously not entered and chose to enter the competition for the next poster based on the concept of 'Government'. and such a wide subject matter it was, government controls everything in politics it was so hard to pin something down without coming back to the obvious, the prime minister. argh! very frustrating times indeed and so i tried hard to pin something down and there it was, the recent G20 events were exactly what i needed and so i set about looking at these and what stuff actually goes on during that time and i ended up coming across an article in the times which headlined "G20 summit: lucky Gordon Brown basks in market glory" and that got me intrigued in the idea of luck itself and the ideas that government requires a bit of luck to be successful. was it a bit of luck that got gordon brown to where he is today? do their policies and laws require luck to be successful? incidents that help at the time which are completely uncontrollable. anyway indeed working on this idea of luck i created an image wporkign on that idea and my main idea was about creating an image of a grabbing machine in which godon brown luckily manages to be lifted out. definitly a representation of luck.

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