after looking at the map of paris which showed a rather interesting gridding system and looking briefly at the rose line i came across this deisgners work. simon evan's hand made style of working is something that appeals to me very much, looking at the book, Vitamin D, i came across one of his works looking at a map that he created looking at the world (2003). not typically what is expected as the world is normally represented by a sphere, simon looks at the world in his own perspective, placing things in
a seemingly random yet thought out and opinionated manner. his use of the handmade style emphasizes his works feeling of opinions and the use of collage gives his work a distinct feel. i find it really interesting the amount f detail he has managed to put into this map and i guess in some ways by tackling such a large subject area such the world you could probably keep on going adding limitless detail to the map.i would definitely like to do something like this obviously choosing a different subject matter maybe something to do with me personally, maybe documenting part of my existence could be interesting, feelings people that i have met, categorize then and order then in groups ordered by time, opinions hair colour the list could go on and on. i would love to look at people that i have met within my life, put it all down in perspective, reminisce and get in touch with old friends could be quite fun and interesting to document. this would most definitely relate well to the subject of line, the idea being a line or lines of people that i meet and interact with not just acquaintances or people i know of. i have a crit next week and so i will find out what people think of my idea, i feel confident about this idea but will other people?
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