on the subject of research however i decided again to look at some variations of swatch guides, similar to the pantone guides that i had looked at before. many searches led to the same thing or variations i did however come across one. this is a colour guide to NYC by Julie Cloutier. quite beautiful and a design that would like mine to come out like. The guide comprises of colours swatted from images that were take from New York. a very6 simple idea and different aswell i think i could probably do something along those lines, maybe swatting colours from my dust swabs and seeing the variations in colour that i get. could be quite interesting. i've added a couple of other swatch guides aswell. i thought this guide, not quite a book, more of a mug was really interesting. designed and sold by Suck UK it helps you how to make the perfect cup of tea using the colours as a guide to how much milk you should put in or how brewed you like you tea. i also found a small design on a leaflet advertisement for Tetley Tea using the same idea, showing the colours of various cups of tea with your personality tea type. very funny! oh and on the idea of this i found an interesting client colour guide at changeorder.com which was also quite funny. i've had ideas about naming the types of dust that i get since we made the first book. names such as, 'Mouse's back', 'Pigeon' and so on could be quite entertaining and give an extra dimension to the design rather than being so formal. i'll have to experiment in the mean time, whilst getting my first book printed and all the other go damn work that must be finished.

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