

The winter break brief subject i had chosen to look at was dust. more so the concentration of dust in certain areas i tried to find out where it was more common in areas, how you may come across in on a day to day basis etc. I finally had a finished resolution, successfully plotting 100 random swatches of dust around a single room, but what to do with this information that i had found. 
initially we got into groups and discussed what we had been looking at over christmas then we discussed how we could translate our ideas into books.
- hygiene. look at the cleanliness of areas, how it can be prevented, the bacterial colonies found within dust particles, how clean is your dust?
- the adventures of dust boy. produce a story based book on the adventures of a fictional character made out of dust, look at tim burton's work for inspiration, googly eyes!
- swatch guide. this one seemed the most promising as a successful book. looking previously at the colour guides by pantone, producing a colour guide based the different colours of dust coud be really successful, looking possible at old textures, or vintage colours or even jsut producing a dust texture guide could be really interesting.
to start off my research i've looked at the colour guides by pantone these beautiful little swatch guides have every colour under the sun that you could possible want or print. i would love to produce a guide like this which people could use if they were looking for an aged look to their
the pantone guides the pantone guide comprise colours in a very orderly manner and have been categorised into 6 books of colour i probably don't think i could produce as many with dust swatches but maybe just one book. The six books comprise of 'formula guide/solid uncoated', 'formula guide/solid matte', 'colour bridge/coated euro' (my favourite because you can see what the colour looks like on screen and compare it to the printable version), '4 colour process guide/uncoated euro', '4 colour process guide/coated euro' and 'formula guide/solid coated' each of the books is ordered via hue, the swatches themselves are then coded with their solid state colours and the CMYK version, the colours are then labelled with their percentage of CMYK and RGB so you can re-create them. 
i think i could produce something along the same lines but using the dust swatches, i'll look at other colour guides aswell possible look at the naming of colours in dulux guides etc. in the mean time i'll look at the book design and shape, vintage design could be a start, compartments, box sets like which the pantone set is stored in.

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