

missing amber dearly, the next stage in visual language is photography with lorenzo.
we were introduced today about the delights of manual photography, we were shown through a basic run through about what effects our camera could achieve and more importantly how light affects our photographs.
we looked first at the 'iso' i believe this to be the sensitivity of the plate or frame which the light is shown onto, less sensitive better picture quite simply. we then looked at the shutter speed, a fairly obvious one but important none the less. aperture which affects the dilation of the opening in which the light shines through. and finally the combining these to give the exposure of the shot.
one thing which i did not know about was the types of filter on my camera, how different filters under different lights can give a more natural effect. This will alter the white balancing of colour to make yellowy warm whites more blue. i think i will practice this further.
we took some photographs in pairs and set off about taking photos manipulating these effects and just having a play about. some of the photographs were really beautiful.

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