
Animal + Adjective

Unfortunately being sick i couldn't fully complete the visual language session on tuesday, but i do love the visual language sessions so i had to complete it. The session took into account the basic ideas we were working from before, looking at communicating basic words, thorough the use of simple shapes and colours. 
The first part of the session involved thinking and writing down 5 verbs and 5 adjectives. We then put these into the infamous randomizer then picked up one of them each ourselves. We then were to communicate these using simple cut out shapes in primary colours and must include a letterform in a single resolution. we did 2 of these and unlike last week we were given another colour of paper, off-white. oooooh! how very exciting! i did decide however that i preferred the look of just the primary colours so i stuck to them and used the smaller size format aswell. i did give it a shot though. my resolutions were 'loading oddly' and 'crawling vibrantly'.
For the next part of the session i decided to go home so from what i got from the session we were given another set of adjective and an animal. and were to combine these in a single resolution.
i thought these were really cool, i like the idea of using the animals to communicate and adjective. it makes me think about associations and stereotypes and how we judge people. the idea of a 'large bear' and a 'clumsy penguin' the way that i have interpreted these in comparison to someone else is quite interesting. 

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