I've been having trouble with the recent project. Based on an issue we found in the times magazine, mine being the issue of public transport and how public transport is better for the environment but the prices are far dearer than cars or less environmentally friendly vehicles. So how can i communicate this? in the form of three visual posters 2:1 format at a3 scale?
because i use transport every day i thought that i could approach this project with ease but i have found it really difficult to get to grips with the issues i am trying to raise.
The first part of the project was based on producing 3 dramatic visual images based on our ideas and issues. mine sucked basically. they were incomplete and i hadn't stuck to the project brief at all. i ended up using colours that i wasn't even supposed to. i'm going to re-look at this project again. i think it will help me with the next part.
The next part being a mail shot. i thought this would be really exciting. to actually send something that i had made, but like the posters i had produced i had my crit on friday and i had almost nothing to show for it. my main influence or what i was looking at, was pop-ups, the idea that the piece could be more than just a throw away item i think could grab attention more than a message written on a piece of paper and put in an envelope itsa something that could be kept and looked at again and again. Amber provided this link to a you-tube video about a pop-up book that looks at the alphabet. i think it is amazing and so much more than a throw away item.
A Messy Affair
having been really ill this week i have found it very difficult to produce work, the last think you want to do is sit at a computer with a pounding headache whilst your nose drips into the keyboard. its not good. feeling better now i have decided to do a bit of back-dating on some of my work. i produced the illustrator poster today based on Hannah's font. i thought it looked really nice.
ahem... unfortunately i cant upload it. never mind.
Animal + Adjective
Unfortunately being sick i couldn't fully complete the visual language session on tuesday, but i do love the visual language sessions so i had to complete it. The session took into account the basic ideas we were working from before, looking at communicating basic words, thorough the use of simple shapes and colours.
The first part of the session involved thinking and writing down 5 verbs and 5 adjectives. We then put these into the infamous randomizer then picked up one of them each ourselves. We then were to communicate these using simple cut out shapes in primary colours and must include a letterform in a single resolution. we did 2 of these and unlike last week we were given another colour of paper, off-white. oooooh! how very exciting! i did decide however that i preferred the look of just the primary colours so i stuck to them and used the smaller size format aswell. i did give it a shot though. my resolutions were 'loading oddly' and 'crawling vibrantly'.
For the next part of the session i decided to go home so from what i got from the session we were given another set of adjective and an animal. and were to combine these in a single resolution.
i thought these were really cool, i like the idea of using the animals to communicate and adjective. it makes me think about associations and stereotypes and how we judge people. the idea of a 'large bear' and a 'clumsy penguin' the way that i have interpreted these in comparison to someone else is quite interesting.
Ba-dum Ba-dum
i finally finished the designs for the Valentines day cards! i really like these they're unconventional and thats the key feature. The heart looks more like a heart and subtle dark humour has been added. i think they're great.
i'm going to go to the print workshop in about an hour and a half and get printing some off using screen printing. i hope its not just an introduction again.

a new term a new brief, i say new term, i was actually in some of the time last week as well. We are to begin a new section of work based upon visual language taught by Amber and Lorenzo i think. This should help us n advancing our skills in investigation, our creation of ideas and teach us about the fundamental principles of drawing, visualisation, translation, media material and formal issues. apparently. 

We had our first session yesterday and despite the serious undertones of the brief it was a right laugh! We were given a series of coloured papers in a fairly limited colour scheme and told to cut several 15 x 15 squares, a series of other sized squares, some lines and some letterforms and were then given a word from the infamous 'randomizer'. my first word was 'comfortable', we had to use the pieces of paper we had cut out to show what our given word was. it was very tricky, we could not use literal shapes and use letterforms to make words, we also had to use a letterform and a line within each composition we make.

i think the image works well. i used soothing colours and took the idea of balancing a curve on top of and 'o' to illustrate a sort of soothing and 'comfortable' effect. We went through several of these during the exercise and i found it really fun, yet it was challenging that we only had a basic colour scheme and were limited to a few shapes only. the most successful word i think i illustrated was 'marmite'. i took the theory from Fred's lecture on colour earlier on and made a kind of displeasing and mesmerizing piece
using the complimentary colours red and green.
The others i produced were 'excited', 'line' and 'tall' see if you can see which is which.

Let It Rain
I thought this was very beautiful. i think this will help for the visual language project, make me think about typography being more than just letters and words.
Brain Wave
its funny, fred said at the beginning of the course that you should do about 70+ hours of your own work/graphical thinking when your not on the course. i had a dream last night. about graphic design. i started dreaming about designing a valentines card, using the image of an actual heart in the design. it seems strange i have never seen a valentines card with an actual or drawn image of a human heart. they always follow the cliches. i want to make something different. i'll get back to you on this.

ah! Salmon Skin Roll
this game is amazing i played it for like and hour the other day. graphic design at its best.
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