
Don't count your chickens before they hatch

the colour project we are working on had left me a bit stumped. but i had a breakthrough today thanks to jo. we just had a chit chat about the work i was producing, i had decided to illustrate the idea of yellow in the form of a canary, the idea that a canary been shown in certain situations would reflect the idea of yellow (my chosen colour). we talked about how the canary was a good idea, having a theme and making the 10 images that we were to produce more of a series than singles by themselves, the way i had drawn the canary too gave the same idea. we did find some constructive critism to agree on tho which i think was handled by jo really well, i did have thoughts she would be immensely critical and almost chuck my work in the bin, but i was pleasantly surprised :) 
colouration as a main factor, what colour would the background be? if i were looking at the idea of yellow being a draining colour would it drain colour fro
m x colour background? could the serie
s of different images be of different colours? does the yellow have to be there or could it be part of the series in that yellow i
s missing from the images? another thing jo picked up on was the theme of some of the images and how they may clash. The idea of a canary police officer with a reflective jacket on collides with a bully-like image showing the canary beating down on another bird. and obviously there were other issues such as not being able to understand images but as soon as i added colour such as the images below they began to make a lot more sense. see what you think, what is yellow?

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