through rigorous splats, splodges, scrapes and listening to Britney Spears "Womanizer" over and over again i had come to a conclusion about designing the typeface based on Hannah Jacksons's personality.
overall i was finding this method of working quite pleasant and soothing, not worrying about perfection or marks of my fingers accidently appearing on the page seemingly ruining my every attempt and completing my mission.
i began thinking to myself as i was scruffily drawing letters using my feet, this letter that i was drawing using my foot resembled nothing to what the actual letter looked like. the X i had drawn out did indeed look messy and randomly scrawled out, so the messy and clumsy factor of Hannah's personality was achieved, but it didn't look like a conventional letter X. but why should it? after all would a sentence that was written messily be readable? would a word be ledgible? and by looking at this it began to draw me to this conclusion, of if you could actually distinguish a single letter if it was drawn messily? that was the trouble, i had been working with letter forms that were recognisable and controlled. so what would happen whan i lost that control?
i began looking at symbolism. the pre-defined symbol font on standard computers gave me this and i began looking at simple shapes again, much like the previous typeface i had designed on the shape project earlier. Then it occurred to me by looking once again at "", to which there was a typeface made entirely out different types of splats.
from there i began testing and looked at basic mark making. in conclusion i looked at the random mark makings produced from dropping ink onto paper. the random marks i looked at were all different, were made clumsily and were messy, below, the forms of my typeface with the punctuation below in outline and Hannah's font for me below that. all good fun.
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